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Monday, February 13, 2006

"Part Seven: Interview of Doctor Jonathan Wright, MD of Tahoma Clinic Was A Alternative Health Pioneer!" by Ralph Zuranski

Ralph Zuranski: “Have you worked much with hormones?”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “In the early 80’s, I had a woman come into my office. She said she wanted a prescription for some hormones. She was going through menopause. So, I got out the prescription pad and started to write the prescription. I guess luckily she could read upside down because she looked over and said ‘But, I want natural hormones.’ This was 1982. I said, Well at the University of Michigan they told me these are natural. This is Premarin and it comes from horses and horses are natural.” 

Jonathan Wright M.D: “She pointed out something that I should have noticed. She said ‘I’m not a horse! I want hormones for people!!! Those hormones over there are for horses and you know horses are this big and they have four legs and everything.’”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “I said, Well, I hadn’t thought of that, but your right. These are not exactly the same hormones women have in their bodies prior to menopause. She said, ‘I want some of the natural ones.’”

Ralph Zuranski: “Wow, she sounded like she really knew what she wanted.”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “I am probably paraphrasing her. She was probably more polite. I told her they were not available because big drug companies did not want to make them. They were not patentable and therefore not profitable.  We could not get them anywhere. She was an awfully confident lady and she got up and said, ‘I’m sure you can find them and I’ll be back in 2 or 3 months.’”

Ralph Zuranski: “Where did you finally find some.”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “I worked with a compounding pharmacist. We were able to get the formulation together. That is where the first prescription of Triple Estrogen came from. That formula is now available in 2000 compounding pharmacies in the United States. The woman that did not want to be a horse or did not want horse hormones in any form was responsible for this breakthrough.”

Ralph Zuranski: “Does that mean you are trying to provide natural sources for all your hormone supplementation?”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “Since that time I have been prescribing the hormones that are identical to natural. We are calling them Bio-identical Hormones.”

Ralph Zuranski: “Are you responsible for creating natural hormone supplements?”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “I cannot say I invented it. All I did was copy what is in women’s bodies. So, I can say I was the first good copycat.”

Ralph Zuranski: “Is it difficult to create natural hormone supplements?”

Jonathan Wright M.D: “Incidentally, natural medicine is not all that hard. All we have to do is observe exactly the way our bodies work bio-chemically and bio-energetically. We need to follow the way we fit in with nature. There are many things out there, in nature, that folks can use beneficially. All we have to do is copy that original blue print as closely as we can.”

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